Oct 2, 2019:
Today I tried a Wahoo bicycle computer for the first time.
I have been using my Fitbit watch and the Strava app on my phone but mostly relying on Carrie to tell me the distance and where the turnaround point was. This was way better! The screen layout let me know the amount of time I had been on the bike, how fast I was going, the grade level, how many miles I had gone etc. It basically felt like the Apple Watch of bike computers. And the Auto-Pause feature! How cool that it can sense when I come to a stop? Seriously I was blown away by this thing.
Now, more about the ride.
It had been a long day and I was not feeling like going longer than 12 miles. But I could tell Carrie was chomping at the bit for a longer ride. So I said to myself, don’t be selfish, and boldly exclaimed that I could do 16 miles today! The first 8 miles went by just fine. Camille had joined us for the ride as it was on her route home so we were all just chatting away and enjoying the ride. Then the way back, my stomach started to tell me that it was hungry. The wind was blowing in our faces and my body started to feel sore. I tell ya, that was the longest 7.5 mile trek back.
Once I got off my bike, my lower back, legs, arms and shoulders did a collective sigh of relief. They were SORE! I managed to throw myself and my bike into the car and once I got home. I couldn’t move without some sort of noise coming out of me. My husband was concerned at first but it eventually became annoying to him. Even after it all, I relished in the posting of our ride on Strava and the sweet Wahoo photo I posted to my Instagram stories. A badge of honor indeed!
If you are just joining me now, be sure to check out my earlier posts about my biking journey with Bicycle Adventures.