Meet the Team

World Class Bicycle Tour Guides

Bicycle Adventures was the first bicycle touring company in the world to adopt the Adventure Travel and Trade Association’s Guide Standards. We are committed to not only finding the best guides but training them with the highest standards. Guides are given training in Safety, Technology, Interpretation, Sustainability, and Group Dynamics. We know what makes a great tour, which is a meticulously trained guide with the skills and personality to give each guest a safe and worry-free vacation. When we say we go the extra mile, we mean it and we thrive on it!

Year Founded


Team Members


Years in Business


I love biking and traveling because I can fit (learning, exploring new things, places and ideas)almost all of these things together in one.

–Nolan Jensen

One of my biggest passions is bicycle touring. It encompasses so many of my other passions.

–James Kelly

Being out on my bike makes me so happy, so I usually snap a selfie to share my joy with others

–Camille Meyer-Arendt

I have the best job(s) in the world! I love my office!

–Jeff Barth


–Lori Vandenbrink

If I had a superpower, I'd have bionic legs. That way I'd never get tired out exploring the planet.

–Michelle Anderson

Being able to take in the natural beauty of Crater Lake is something everyone should have the opportunity to do.


Live life, have fun, and love everyone.


Discovering the world on the saddle is beautiful to me. It’s a way to see everything up front, experience it with all your senses and cover a big amount of land while doing so.
