Jenna Moog
Tour Guide
I love snow!
Who is Jenna?
Jenna is the daughter of a black sheep and a park ranger who met skiing in Montana. A shy but daring child, she took up skiing and cross country running and track by her teen years. While completing her studies in education at Western Washington University, Jenna became interested in cycling both for fun and transportation. After college, she visited 30 countries by age 30 and biked (twice!) from Seattle to San Diego. She became a ski instructor, launched a hostel, a ski club, and a Seattle biking group, and worked in Special Education in the Kent and Seattle School Districts. She’s also managed to include volunteer stints in Mexico and Australia and language schools in Guatemala and Ecuador. Jenna reflects on life during the Seattle Half Marathon every November when she recommits to staying curious, living simply and making time to laugh with loved ones. She dislikes socks.