Our staff and guides get asked regularly about our favorite tours. While it’s hard to pick just one, we all have tours we really love for various reasons. Some are staples on our calendar every year, like Bryce & Zion, and some we don’t run as frequently but when we do, guests jump on the chance to explore a great destination. Chile is one of those destinations – we haven’t run this tour since 2020 and we are thrilled to be heading south once again in 2023 for our Chile Lakes & Volcanoes tour.
No one knows the Chile Lakes & Volcanoes tour better than Kurt McCanles, who has guided it on multiple occasions. Many of you already know Kurt – as one of our most tenured guides it’s likely that you’ve pedaled with him through Death Valley or around the rim of Crater Lake. We asked Kurt some questions about why he loves the Chile tour and why guests should be chomping at the bit to sign up for this trip in 2023:

What’s your favorite ride or day on this tour?
I love the Lago Ranco day because the lake is so emerald blue, the road is rugged but nicely paved, and the views make for an awesome ride. Lunch on this day is at a really cool garden/venue at the base of this cliff – just beautiful.
Who is this tour for?
Someone who likes climbing, full days, summer weather, and traveling in Latin (laid back) countries.
What’s the weather/climate like in Chile?
The weather is rarely hot. It is usually mild and partly cloudy, although some days could bless us with a little moisture!

Thinking about returning to Chile in 2023, what are you looking forward to the most?
I love leaving the winter for the summer – the long daylight hours, migrating birds, and spring and summer flowers full of busy pollinators. The snow-clad volcanoes are always a welcoming sight as well!
Anything else you want to mention?
Our guests love the rest day in Huilo Huilo biosphere reserve where adventurous options abound. It’s a very magical locale, with dense forest and steep terrain, and the lodge is beautifully designed to blend in with its surroundings!
Think our Chile Lakes & Volcanoes trip sounds right up your alley? Dates for the 2023 season are now open and available for reservations. We’ve scheduled departures to take advantage of the southern hemisphere summer, the perfect escape from the North American winter. For more information check out the tour page on our website or give us a call at 800-443-6060.
Pedal Happy!